Overnight Pick Up Ride

Event date: 
Sat, 08/31/2024 - 6:45am to Sun, 09/01/2024 - 5:00pm


Meet at 6:45am Mike Berris's House (15304 Ingersoll St Plainfield) KSU 7am.

Stopping at the Gas & Wash in Yorkville 4100 N Bridge St. Yorkville to meet anyone there.

From there up to Potosi, no highways, with a couple of planned stops. About 185 miles.

Overnight pick-up ride to the Petosi Brewery in Petosi, WI.

We'll leave Saturday morning August 31st & ride to the brewery, approximately 185 miles with no highways.

Planning on staying overnight in Dubuque, IA, about 25 miles from the brewery.

There is a nice bed & breakfast in Dubuque, The Redstone Inn & Suites.

Accommodations are your responsibility. We will leave Dubuque for the return ride after breakfast.

Additional details to follow

Open Event: This event is open to Chapter members, National H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.  All riders and passengers must sign a release. 

Event Coordinator: 
Mike Berris
Road Captain